
Costruire una Comunità Spirituale

La Via della Conoscenza non può essere appresa interamente per conto proprio. Ti insegna che sei in relazione con la vita che ti circonda, e ti insegna come essere in relazione con la vita che ti circonda, ad ogni livello della tua esistenza. Ti insegna come essere in relazione con il tuo corpo, con la… Read More

Prepararsi per il Futuro

Vi state preparando sempre per il futuro anche se non pensate al futuro. Ti stai sempre preparando per il futuro anche se la tua mente è concentrata sul passato. Questo è per il fatto che la tua vita si costruisce su se stessa. La vostra esperienza di oggi si basa su ciò che avete realizzato… Read More


The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Contatto con la Vita Intelligente nell’Universo

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

La Nuova Rivelazione

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

I Nemici dell’Umanità

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Proteggere il Mondo

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

L’Esordio dell’Umanità nella Comunità Più Grande

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Il Destino dell’Umanità nella Comunità Più Grande

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Affrontare la Comunità Più Grande

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.