The Free School is a global community of people studying the New Message from God and sharing it with others.
The School offers an environment of individual study, study partnerships, international gatherings, broadcast events and community interaction to deepen our experience of the New Message and connect us with others around the world.
The School is completely free and open to people of all faith traditions who seek to learn more about the New Message.
Created and hosted by The Society for the New Message, The Free School is a gift to the world and a way for thousands of people to experience for themselves the education and pathway presented in God’s New Message.
Explore God’s personal revelation for you and join with others around the globe in forming the early community of a New Message from God.
To join the growing community of The Free School, simply fill out the form to the right. Please allow us 24-48 hours to review your application, after which we will send your login information and a welcome email introducing you to the current session of The Free School.
The School is an entirely online learning environment, and includes these key features:
The School year is organized into six sessions, each two months long. Each session focuses on one of the major “corridors” of the New Message, including: