Witaj w Nowym Posłaniu od Boga. W niezwykły sposób, odnalazłeś Nowe Posłanie, lub też raczej ono odnalazło Ciebie. I nie jest to przypadek. Przeczytaj więcej…
Pierwsze kroki
Posłuchaj Głosu Objawienia
O tym nagraniu
Słuchasz teraz nagrania głosu Zgromadzenia Anielskiego, które przemawia przez Posłańca Marshalla Viana Summersa.
Tutaj, oryginalny przekaz od Boga, który istnieje poza słowami, jest przetłumaczony na ludzki język i zrozumienie przez Zgromadzenie Anielskie, które czuwa nad światem. Następnie Zgromadzenie przekazuje Boże Posłanie przez Posłańca.
W tym niezwykłym procesie, Głos Objawienia przemawia na nowo. Słowo oraz Dźwięk są na świecie. Po raz pierwszy w historii, nagranie oryginalnego mówionego objawienia jest dostępne dla Ciebie oraz dla świata.
Obyś stał się odbiorcą tego daru Objawienia i był w stanie otrzymać to niezwykłe Posłanie dla siebie i dla swojego życia.
Przeglądaj według tematu:
Biblioteka Nowego Posłania
Tom 1
Spis treści
The Proclamation
The Recitation
The Engagement
God Has Spoken Again
The Seal of the Prophets
The Mission of the Messenger
The Initiation
The Blessing
Living at a Time of Revelation
The Assembly
God’s New Message for the World
God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction
The World Must Receive God’s New Message
The Calling
Spis treści
The Will of Heaven
The Origin of The Messenger
The Lineage of The Messenger
The Story of The Messenger
The Requirements of the Messenger
The Veil of the Messenger
Understanding the New Messenger
Facing the Light of Revelation
The Journey of the Messenger
The Prophet
The Consequence of Revelation
The Messenger’s Calling
Walking with the Messenger
Spis treści
Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community
Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
Facing the Greater Community
Entering the Greater Community
Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
The Enemies of Humanity
Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community
Preparing for the Greater Community
Protecting the World
The Importance of the Greater Community
The New Revelation
Spis treści
The Greater Power within You
The Power of Knowledge
The Soul’s Journey on Earth
Living in Separation
The Crisis
The Presence
The Reconciliation
Who You Are Is Not Your Mind
Knowledge and the Limits of Belief
The Greater Intelligence
The Bridge
Following the Presence
The Spiritual Fire
The Remembrance
Spis treści
Rozdział 1: Przebudzenie
Rozdział 2: Podróż do wolności
Rozdział 3: Więzienie
Rozdział 4: Rewolucja
Rozdział 5: Punkt zwrotny
Rozdział 6: Dar nowego życia
Rozdział 7: Podróż do nowego życia
Rozdział 8: Twój cel i przeznaczenie
Rozdział 9: Budowanie mostu do nowego życia
Rozdział 10: Odwaga i wola do przygotowania się
Rozdział 11: Budowanie siły i wytrzymałości
Rozdział 12: Przygotowanie się do podjęcia większej roli w świecie
Rozdział 13: Wielka prawda
Rozdział 14: Jesteś tutaj dla Większego Celu
Spis treści
(The New World book is forthcoming. Prior to release, several chapters are being made available to the world.)
Entering the New World
The Great Warning
The Global Emergency
The Race To Save Human Civilization
Facing Planetary Instability
The Fate of Nations
The Shock of The Future
Spis treści
Rozdział 1: Czysta Religia
Chapter 2: The Great Faith
Chapter 3: The Sacred
Chapter 4: God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
Chapter 5: The Purpose of Religion
Chapter 6: God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
Chapter 7: Religious Fundamentalism
Chapter 8: Religious Violence
Chapter 9: Heaven and Hell
Chapter 10: Sin, Error and Redemption
Chapter 11: The Miracle
Chapter 12: The Spiritual Families and the Plan of God
Chapter 13: The Redeemer
Tom 2
Spis treści
What is God?
What is the World?
What is Life Force?
What is Knowledge?
What is Human Purpose?
What is the Greater Community?
How is Wisdom achieved in life?
Who is Wisdom meant for?
How does God participate in the world?
How do you prepare?
What is your preparation for?
Whom will you meet?
What must be unlearned?
What must be avoided?
Who serves humanity?
Who are the Unseen Ones?
How does revelation occur in human life?
What is human destiny?
What is religion?
What is religious education and who is it for?
What is The Greater Community Way of Knowledge?
Where can Knowledge be found?
How is Knowledge translated in the Greater Community?
What is Steps to Knowledge?
What is grace?
Who is Jesus?
What is the evolution of religion in the world?
Spis treści
Your Most Primary Relationship
Your Relationship with Yourself
Your Relationship with Others
Your Relationship with the World
Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
Your Relationship with Knowledge
Your Relationship with the Unknown
The Problem of Evil and the Forces of Dissonance
Stages of Development
Your Purpose and Spiritual Calling
Establishing Relationships
Maintaining Relationships
Completing Relationships
Spis treści
Being a Person of the New Message
Being a Student of the New Message
How to Regard the Messenger
Your Relationship with the Messenger
The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
Supporting God’s New Revelation
Witnessing the Revelation
Dealing with Resistance and Hostility
The Pilgrimage
Protecting the Message and the Messenger
Discerning False Messengers
Tom 3
Spis treści
Living in an Emerging World
The Four Pillars of Life
The Pillar of Relationships
The Pillar of Health
The Pillar of Work
The Pillar of Spiritual Development
Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
Building Spiritual Community
Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others
Being Present in the World
Preparing for the Future
Tom 4
Spis treści
The Great Waves of Change
The Great Waves and Your Life
Escaping the Past
The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
The Deep Evaluation
Relationships and the Great Waves
Preparing Your Family
The Danger of Isolation
The Great Waves Prophecy
The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
Where Will You Place Your Faith
Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
A New Message of Hope
Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
Spis treści
Facing a Greater Community of Life
A Brief History of Visitation to Earth
The Limits of Space Travel
Trade and Commerce in this Region of Space
Technology and the Different Paths to Stability
Families and Genetic Manipulation
Competition, Influence and the Mental Environment
Freedom in the Greater Community
Religion in the Greater Community
The Power of Knowledge
Unseen Forces in the Universe
Creation and Destiny
God of the Greater Community
Your Relationship with the Greater Community
Tom 5
Spis treści
The Greater Religion
Relationships and Sexuality
Greater Community
Preparing for the Future
Spiritual Truths
Service in the World
Power and Responsibility
Spiritual Community
World Evolution
Giving I
Giving II
Higher Education
Inner Listening
Enduring Happiness
Escaping Suffering
Happiness in the World
Escaping Fear
Using Power for Good
Faith and Fear
Provoking Change
Religion as Education
Achieving Peace
Spis treści
Serving Others
Working with the Mind
Solving Problems
Greater Community Visitations
Spiritual Practice
Self-Expression and the Mental Environment
Religion as Mystery
Responding to the Greater Community
Visitors’ Perception of Humanity
Learning from Others
Devotion and Commitment
Becoming Wise
Greater Community Realities
Walking The Way of Knowledge
Other Revelations
Revelations not yet compiled into volumes and books by the
Messenger Marshall Vian Summers. Learn more…
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