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Biblioteca Noului Mesaj
Volumul 1
Capitolul 1: Proclamația
Capitolul 2: Recitarea
Capitolul 3: Implicarea
Capitolul 4: Dumnezeu a vorbit din nou
Capitolul 5: Sigiliul profeților
Capitolul 6: Misiunea Mesagerului
Capitolul 7: Inițierea
Capitolul 8: Binecuvântarea
Capitolul 9: Trăind în vremuri de Revelație
Capitolul 10: Mulțimea
Capitolul 11: Noul Mesaj al lui Dumnezeu pentru lumea întreagă
Capitolul 12: Dumnezeu îndrumă omenirea spre un făgaș nou
Capitolul 13: Lumea trebuie să primească Noul Mesaj al lui Dumnezeu
Capitolul 14: Chemarea
Capitolul 1: A înțelege pe Dumnezeu
Capitolul 2: Noul Dumnezeu
Chapter 3: The Origin
Capitolul 4: Separația
Chapter 5: What is Creation?
Chapter 6: The Soul
Chapter 7: What Creates Evil?
Chapter 8: The Redemption
Chapter 9: God, Knowledge and the Angelic Presence
Chapter 10: How God Speaks to the World
Capitolul 11: Planul lui Dumnezeu are în vedere salvarea tuturor
Chapter 12: The Heart of God
Chapter 1: The Will of Heaven
Capitolul 2: Originea Mesagerului
Chapter 3: The Lineage of The Messenger
Chapter 4: The Story of The Messenger
Capitolul 5: Cerințele Mesagerului
Chapter 6: The Veil of the Messenger
Chapter 7: Understanding the New Messenger
Capitolul 8: A te afla în lumina Revelației
Chapter 9: The Journey of the Messenger
Chapter 10: The Prophet
Chapter 11: The Consequence of Revelation
Chapter 12: The Messenger’s Calling
Chapter 13: Walking with the Messenger
Capitolul 1: Apariția Umanității în Marea Comunitate
Chapter 2: Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe
Chapter 3: Facing the Greater Community
Chapter 4: Entering the Greater Community
Capitolul 5: Cine sunt Aliații Umanității
Chapter 6: The Enemies of Humanity
Chapter 7: Humanity’s Destiny in the Greater Community
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Greater Community
Chapter 9: Protecting the World
Chapter 10: The Importance of the Greater Community
Chapter 11: The New Revelation
Capitolul 1: Trezirea
Capitolul 2: Călătoria către libertate
Capitolul 3: Închisoarea
Capitolul 4: Revoluția
Capitolul 5: Punctul de cotitură
Capitolul 6: Darul unei Vieți Noi
Capitolul 7: Călătoria către o viață nouă
Capitolul 8: Scopul și destinul tău
Capitolul 9: Construirea punții către o viață nouă
Capitolul 10: Curajul și voința de a te pregăti
Capitolul 11: Cultivarea tăriei și a rezistenței
Capitolul 12: Pregătirea pentru un rol mai mare în lume
Capitolul 13: Marele adevăr
Capitolul 14: Ești aici cu un scop mai înalt
Lumea cea Nouă
The Great Warning
Urgența Globală
The Race To Save Human Civilization
Planetary Instability
The Fate of Nations
Șocul Viitorului
Heaven and Hell
The Pure Religion
Marea Credință
God’s Ancient Covenant with Humanity
God’s New Message for the World’s Religions
Religious Fundamentalism
Violența Religioasă
Volumul 2
What is God?
What is the World?
What is Life Force?
What is Knowledge?
What is Human Purpose?
What is the Greater Community?
How is Wisdom achieved in life?
Who is Wisdom meant for?
How does God participate in the world?
How do you prepare?
What is your preparation for?
Whom will you meet?
What must be unlearned?
What must be avoided?
Who serves humanity?
Who are the Unseen Ones?
How does revelation occur in human life?
What is human destiny?
What is religion?
What is religious education and who is it for?
What is Marea Comunitate Way of Knowledge?
Where can Knowledge be found?
How is Knowledge translated in the Greater Community?
What is Pași către Cunoaștere?
What is grace?
Who is Jesus?
What is the evolution of religion in the world?
Your Most Primary Relationship
Your Relationship with Yourself
Your Relationship with Others
Your Relationship with the World
Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
Your Relationship with Knowledge
Your Relationship with the Unknown
The Problem of Evil and the Forces of Dissonance
Stages of Development
Your Purpose and Spiritual Calling
Establishing Relationships
Maintaining Relationships
Completing Relationships
Volumul 3
Living in an Emerging World
The Four Pillars of Life
The Pillar of Relationships
The Pillar of Health
The Pillar of Work
The Pillar of Spiritual Development
Your Relationship with Your Spiritual Family
Building Spiritual Community
Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others
Being Present in the World
Preparing for the Future
Volumul 4
Marile Valuri de schimbări
The Great Waves and Your Life
Escaping the Past
The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
The Deep Evaluation
Relationships and the Great Waves
Preparing Your Family
The Danger of Isolation
The Great Waves Prophecy
The Great Waves and the Hidden Reality of Contact
Where Will You Place Your Faith
Your Purpose and Destiny in a Changing World
A New Message of Hope
Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
Facing a Greater Community of Life
A Brief History of Visitation to Earth
The Limits of Space Travel
Trade and Commerce in this Region of Space
Technology and the Different Paths to Stability
Families and Genetic Manipulation
Competition, Influence and the Mental Environment
Freedom in the Greater Community
Religion in the Greater Community
The Power of Knowledge
Unseen Forces in the Universe
Creation and Destiny
God of the Greater Community
Your Relationship with the Greater Community
Volumul 5
The Greater Religion
Relationships and Sexuality
Greater Community
Preparing for the Future
Spiritual Truths
Service in the World
Power and Responsibility
Spiritual Community
World Evolution
Giving I
Giving II
Higher Education
Inner Listening
Enduring Happiness
Escaping Suffering
Happiness in the World
Escaping Fear
Using Power for Good
Faith and Fear
Provoking Change
Religion as Education
Achieving Peace
Serving Others
Working with the Mind
Solving Problems
Greater Community Visitations
Spiritual Practice
Self-Expression and the Mental Environment
Religion as Mystery
Responding to the Greater Community
Visitors’ Perception of Humanity
Learning from Others
Devotion and Commitment
Becoming Wise
Greater Community Realities
Walking The Way of Knowledge