The Greater Community

Выстоять перед лицом Великого Сообщества

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Контакт с разумной жизнью во Вселенной

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Защищать Мир

Для многих людей очевидно, что окружающая среда испытывает огромный стресс и во многих местах проходит через огромную деградацию. Хотя некоторые люди очень обеспокоены, большинство людей не обращают на это большого внимания, думая, что окружающая среда является своего рода бесконечной кладезю всего, что им нужно. Многие люди сегодня забыли о своей полной зависимости от окружающей среды,… Read More

Новое Откровение

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Судьба Человечества в Великом Сообществе

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Выстоять перед лицом Великого Сообщества

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Враги человечества

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Вступление Человечества в Великое Сообщество

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Контакт с разумной жизнью во Вселенной

The human family does not realize its vulnerability to this Greater Community or its relationship with this Greater Community.

Living in isolation for so very long, your whole notion of yourself, your notion of Creation and the Divine, are very much associated with this one world alone. Yet so many people in the world today have roots in the Greater Community, for much of their previous experience occurred there before coming into this world, in this life.

Важность Великого Сообщества

Важность Великого Сообщества не может быть недооценена в Новом Послании, потому что в любом случае человечество готовится к своему будущему на этой более обширной арене разумной жизни. Но оно не подготовлено и не имеет никакой возможности подготовиться самому, сталкиваясь теперь с внеземным Вторжением рас, которые стремятся использовать в своих интересах человеческую слабость и наивность. Именно… Read More