信仰上帝是不够的。遵循你的传统教程是不够的,假如你拥有一个传统的话。遵循经文里给出的处方是不够的。这些东西无法保证真正的生命。这些东西无法保证你与带你进入世界的力量和临在产生共鸣。这不确保你将发现带你来此的更伟大宗旨,或是将使这一宗旨的体验、表达和接受成为可能的那些关键关系。 因为上帝并非通过经文在世界上工作,而是通过个体从内而外地工作。正是这一伟大服务——你将在其中扮演一个渺小但必要的角色——将给你生命的品质和方向、你关系的意义以及你作为个体的重建带来所有改观。 因此别祈求耶...
耶稣来自关照这个世界并且一直关照着这个世界的天使圣团。耶稣是他们中的一员,在人类历史的一个转折点上被派到世界上以带来一个伟大启示,在一个在全球范围内传播这一讯息的机遇呈现的时刻。 耶稣并非上帝之子,因为上帝没有儿女。因为上帝是整个宇宙以及宇宙里其他纬度之主,成十亿、成十亿、成十亿族群还有更多以及存在于物质显化之外的所有创造之主。理解这个,你将看到上帝没有儿女,而是在每个存在智能生命进化和殖民的世界,你都将在那里发现一个天使圣团。 耶稣来自这个世界的圣团,这是一个大型圣团。穆罕默...
God has presented a New Message, a New Revelation for the whole world, a Revelation unlike anything that has ever been given to this world before, given at a great turning point when humanity will be facing a world in decline and a universe ...
Every person who has come into the world has come here for a greater purpose, a greater purpose not created by them but by those who sent them; not created by you but by those who sent you, a purpose which would fulfill you and bring forth y...
召唤和祝福 To be with me is to have been called. I offer you nothing of this world but absolutely everything you truly desire, everything the world cannot give you and will never give you, everything that is meant for your fulfillment here. 和我在一起...
I call you out of the shadows and the disappointments of life into a greater circle of wisdom and power, a greater circle of grace, a circle that is blessed by Heaven and guided by Heaven.
It is my burden and my joy to share this with you, ...
We are entering a new chapter in the human journey and experience on Earth. And it will be rigorous, but it will be special. And it will call forth from many people a greater sainthood that they carry within them like a seed.
It does not ma...
I pray that my prayers may have power and efficacy in the world and in the mental environment around me and in the mental environment beyond my awareness.
I pray that this power that we have may move through me and through others and not be...
This awareness has been with me actually for a long time, and for the last 30 years I’ve been involved in a process of receiving a Revelation, part of which deals with the reality of intelligent life in the universe and the visitation that i...
My name is Marshall Vian Summers, and I am presenting what I believe to be an important, what I call, Greater Community awareness understanding about the people of Earth and our presence in the Greater Community full of intelligent life. And...
These are the great times in which we live—momentous times, the great threshold where the future of humanity will be determined in the decades to come. And while these might be unsettling, and people will seek to avoid such things, in truth,...
Let us know that we have been found wherever we may be, however cast adrift, however ensconced in our circumstances we may be. God knows the way to reach us, if we can be reached.
Let the words of the Revelation stay with you. Let them spea...
May this time be the blessing for you.
For The Presence is with you.
And if the Presence is with you
it means it's calling for you.
For there is no other reason
for the Presence to be with you except to call you.
God has placed a deeper conscience within you, a conscience that knows what is true and what is not true, what is good and what is not good, where you must go and where you must not go, whom you must unite with and whom you must not unite wi...
A never-before-heard message from the Messenger of God, Marshall Vian Summers, brought forth on February 22, 2014. This communication is part of an inspired series of global messages from the Messenger in 2014.
I have been sent into the world to receive God’s New Revelation for this time and the times to come. I have been sent here from the Angelic Assembly, of which I am a part. I have been sent here with the blessings of Jesus, Buddha and Muhamma...