Every person who has come into the world has come here for a greater purpose, a greater purpose not created by them but by those who sent them; not created by you but by those who sent you, a purpose which would fulfill you and bring forth your greatest gifts, a purpose that would call from you a greater strength and commitment and a greater freedom from anger, resentment and condemnation.
For this purpose to be realized and recognized and fulfilled, you will need relationships of a very high caliber–relationships of higher purpose not born of personal attraction or opportunity or convenience, but of a much higher calling, a calling so strong that it can unite people of very different natures who have come from very different parts of the world, who are being called to a greater service.
It is this quality of relationship that your heart yearns for beyond all ideas, beyond all romantic notions. For here you are known and strengthened. Here that which is mysterious within you can arise, for all great things must arise within the context of a great relationship. Here your real calling can emerge, requiring you to prepare your life and to free yourself of things from the past that can only belittle you and condemn you. This is part of the great gift of Revelation, for it calls into being relationships of this phenomenal quality. It calls people to you who have the ability to understand your life even in ways that you cannot, for they can see more clearly than you at the outset.
This great gift is being revealed now—the great clarity—it has always been available, but very few have had the freedom and the understanding to receive it. Now despite humanity’s great errors and corruption, there is greater freedom in the world, and a greater opportunity for you to find that calling and purpose that has brought you, which resides beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect. It must be stimulated from the heart and the soul, and called forth from you by the Source of your life and by the greater Angelic Presence that oversees this world.
Relationships and higher purpose are not what you think; it is something else—rare, mysterious and waiting—waiting for you to prepare, waiting for you to escape the shadows of the past, waiting for you to cross that bridge into a new life and a greater possibility. God has spoken again now to bring this forth in the clearest possible terms without the need for human commentary and explanation; in the clearest possible terms with great description and repetition so that many people will be able to receive that which will restore them, bless them and guide them within a world that grows darker with each passing day.