耶稣来自关照这个世界并且一直关照着这个世界的天使圣团。耶稣是他们中的一员,在人类历史的一个转折点上被派到世界上以带来一个伟大启示,在一个在全球范围内传播这一讯息的机遇呈现的时刻。 耶稣并非上帝之子,因为上帝没有儿女。因为上帝是整个宇宙以及宇宙里其他纬度之主,成十亿、成十亿、成十亿族群还有更多以及存在于物质显化之外的所有创造之主。理解这个,你将看到上帝没有儿女,而是在每个存在智能生命进化和殖民的世界,你都将在那里发现一个天使圣团。 耶稣来自...
God has presented a New Message, a New Revelation for the whole world, a Revelation unlike anything that has ever been given to this world before, given at a great turning point when humanity will be facing a world in dec...
Every person who has come into the world has come here for a greater purpose, a greater purpose not created by them but by those who sent them; not created by you but by those who sent you, a purpose which would fulfill y...
We are entering a new chapter in the human journey and experience on Earth. And it will be rigorous, but it will be special. And it will call forth from many people a greater sainthood that they carry within them like a s...